Ant Control Done The Right Way For Your Weatherford Home

November 17, 2023

Most ants are harmless pests, but some can cause trouble for your house. Various ants might infest your Texas home, and knowing how to identify these ants will help you determine their threat level. Read on to learn more about common ants in Texas and why you should hire Weatherford pest control professionals to handle an infestation.

Common Species Of Ants That Invade Weatherford Homes

Identifying the various species of ants in your home will help determine whether they’re dangerous. Most ants look similar to those unfamiliar with these insects, but some characteristics differentiate them.

The common species of ants you might find in Texas include:

  • Acrobat ants are 1/8 of an inch long, light brown to black, and feature a heart-shaped abdomen when viewed from above.
  • Pharaoh ants are 1/16 of an inch, pale yellow or reddish, and have a dark abdomen.
  • Crazy ants are 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch, dark brown to black with a gray sheen, and have long legs and antennae.
  • Odorous house ants are 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch, brown or black, and emit a rotten-coconut smell when crushed or threatened.
  • Rover ants are 1/16 of an inch long, black, dark brown, or pale yellow, and have long hairs on their bodies.

It can be hard to see the specific characteristics of these ants due to their small size. Ant pest control professionals have the tools and experience to determine which ants have invaded your home.

All The Ways Ants Can Create Problems In Your Home

Most invasive ants are a nuisance but don’t pose a serious threat. They’ll contaminate food and surfaces without causing any severe damage. However, some ants can damage your home or spread illnesses to those in your house.

Acrobat ants are one of the Weatherford pests that can damage your home. These insects might bite when threatened and can strip the insulation from electrical wiring throughout your house, resulting in appliance damage, electrical shock, or an electrical fire.

Pharaoh ants in Weatherford pick up pathogens when they crawl through trash cans and dumpsters, which they transfer to food and surfaces when walking around a house.

Some of the illnesses these pests can spread include:

  • Salmonellosis
  • Staphylococcus
  • Clostridium
  • Streptococcus

In most cases, ants that enter your house aren’t physical or health threats. However, allowing some ants into your home can cause concerns. Local pest control can remove these ants and keep them from impacting your house.

Why Do-It-Yourself Ant Control Is A Waste Of Time And Money

Most homeowners think they can take care of an ant invasion themselves. After all, these are tiny creatures, and a long line often indicates how they’re getting inside. But this task is more challenging than it sounds.

One reason DIY ant control isn’t effective is the population of ant colonies, which can be in the hundreds of thousands. You might get rid of all the ants in your Weatherford home, but many more are back in the nest. If you don’t impact the nest, the ants will keep returning.

Another reason DIY ant control is so hard is because of the size of the ants. These pests can fit through almost any crack or crevice in your house, and the entry points can be hard to see or access.

Dependable pest control professionals know how to determine where ants are getting into your home. They’ll provide ant control solutions that kill the ants in the nest and those in your house.

Contact The Professionals At The First Sign Of Ants In Your Home

Some ants can be a nuisance in your home, and others can cause damage. At Pinnacle Pest Protection, our service technicians will inspect your home to determine how ants are getting in and develop a plan to keep them out. Schedule a free evaluation today to eliminate an ant infestation, and learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Weatherford.

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